Food Allergies

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1 min 25 sec
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Food allergies are an immune reaction to proteins within the food. The immune system reacts adversely to the protein, creating antibodies called Immunoglobulin E. This is abbreviated to IgE. The next time the food is consumed, the food protein binds with the antibodies and the mast cells release histamine. When the body fails to stop the production of histamine, allergic reaction symptoms are triggered. The symptoms of a mild reaction include, raised temperature, itchy or blotchy skin, skin rashes or hives, abdominal pain, feeling sick or vomiting, heart palpitations and finally, general weakness. With a severe reaction, the signs include, swelling of the neck or the throat, severe asthma, collapse and unconsciousness, anaphylaxis and finally, in extreme cases, this can lead to death. The best treatment is to avoid the allergen in the first place. If someone has come into contact, you will need to remove the allergen from them and the local area. Seek medical advice by calling 999 or 112, if necessary. And if they have it, encourage them to take their medication. We will look at anaphylactic reactions in a separate video.