Restaurants  and take-a-way food

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Non-prepacked foods require allergen information for every item that contains any of the 14 allergens. By non-prepacked foods, we mean items that are sold in restaurants, deli counters, butchers, bakers and takeaway food. Restaurants selling food should provide either full allergen information on the menu or an information pack will have written notices in prominent positions explaining how customers can obtain the information. Where allergen-free or vegan food is offered in a restaurant, they must ensure that they have the correct procedures in place to avoid cross-contamination. Delivered foods and takeaway foods provide allergen information in two stages in the order process, before the food purchase is completed, and when the food is delivered. This can be done using allergen stickers or enclosing a copy of the menu or by phone. Takeaway meals should be clearly labelled so they are not mixed up with other meals that have been ordered.

When offering or providing a buffet, salad bar, carvery or any other self-service foods, allergen information on each individual food item should be provided. You cannot provide one sign for the entire buffet. This can be done by displaying a sign to direct the customer to an appropriate member of staff for information, or by providing an allergen label for each dish. When customers help themselves to various dishes, there is an added risk that serving spoons, forks, or tongs, may be used in dishes containing allergens and then used again in allergen-free dishes causing cross-contamination. Information about allergens must be clear and easily accessible by the customer.