Food intolerance

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There is a difference between food allergies and food intolerance, but the control measures and the information during production will remain the same. Food allergies are more serious, but in both cases, well-enforced controls must be in place by the food producer or provider. The NHS define food intolerance as difficulty in digesting certain foods and having an unpleasant physical reaction to them. It causes symptoms such as bloating and tummy pain, which usually happen after a few hours after eating the food. The number of people who believe they have food intolerance has risen dramatically over recent years, but it is hard to know how many people are truly affected. Many people assume they have a food intolerance when the true cause of their symptoms is something else. Food intolerance is an adverse reaction to a food type. It is where the body lacks the enzymes or chemicals to digest the food. This causes the body to react to the chemicals within the food and causes a physical reaction rather than an immune reaction.