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Another consideration is oil used in food preparation, which can pose a risk to individuals with an allergy. Unrefined peanut oil or soya oil is likely to trigger allergic reactions. A scientific study carried out in 1997 concluded that the refined versions are likely to be safer for the majority of people. In all cases, they must always be declared and there is a possibility that refined oils can pose a risk if they are contaminated with a residual protein. This is why it is so important for people with an allergy to have their allergy medication available at all times, in case they are required. No scientific studies into the difference between refined and unrefined versions of other oils, such as rapeseed, sunflower, maize and palm kernel, have been carried out at this time. People with an allergy should find out if they need to avoid these oils by speaking to an allergy specialist. Many products are prepared with sesame oil and tree nut oil such as walnuts. These oils are commonly unrefined and unlikely to present an allergy risk. Extra care should be taken when preparing, purchasing or consuming salad dressings, sauces and dips. It is vital that the person preparing the food and the person serving is fully aware of the ingredients used to prepare foods and the customer should always be informed before purchasing or consuming any of these foods.