Natural Plant Foods and Allergies

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Poisoning can also occur from natural foods like a rhubarb leaf or toxins from potato tops. This can be prevented by correct cutting and washing of ingredients before they enter the food you are preparing. There are many foods that are natural and can be eaten, but you need to prepare them correctly or they may easily be mistaken for the wrong food. This can happen when collecting mushrooms or fungi. You may think you have the correct type, but in fact, you have something that is dangerous to eat. To avoid this, only buy these types of foods commercially through people you can trust that they are supplying the correct item and not one that's been contaminated. There can be problems with natural foods that are edible, but if eaten by some people, in extreme cases the allergic reaction can be fatal. This could be foods that contain eggs or nuts for example. Make sure you know exactly what is in the food that you produce so you can warn customers when they have an allergy. Placing warnings of possible allergy risks is now required on the latest food labelling laws whether you are selling pre-prepared food or serving in a restaurant. It is important to know what is in the food that you produce and that all food is from a reputable source.